When should orthodontic treatment be started

In orthodontics it is now known that considerable progress has been made regarding the physiological knowledge of craniofacial growth, diagnosis, the computer system and an active neuromuscular system capable of procuring rehabilitative tissue reactions through specific elastodontic materials.
It is also under discussion by specialized operators in the orthodontic field whether to intervene in the growth phase of the child or in the complete eruption of all the dental elements.
Professionals who consider the treatment after complete dental eruption (12 years) believe that it is more convenient to do so, giving up an interceptive correction of the dysfunctional malocclusion of the small patient, in favor of mechanical constricting and sometimes even extractive techniques of healthy teeth, as well as in favor of maxillo-mandibular surgical techniques that can cause trauma with serious bone, dental and postural consequences.
On the other hand, there are professionals who engage in bio progressive techniques who recommend an early - interceptive - preventive treatment, as it allows to eliminate or modify certain dysmorphoses during the growth phase of the patient, in consideration of specific deviations of craniofacial skeletal growth (which can have specific birth trauma as their cause), of the functional matrix (such as atypical swallowing, oral breathing, bad habits such as thumb or lip sucking, postural problems, etc.), to correct or eliminate the dysfunctional causal problems of a dysmorphosis.
Earlier the orthodontic rehabilitation action is, through a correct function and a specific orthopedic action, more it is possible to organize the craniofacial and therefore occlusal skeletal system in a correct balance; the preventive interceptive treatment therefore has the purpose of creating an occlusal release of the various skeletal disorders that alter the function, growth and therefore aesthetics, as well as the psyche of the child.

Prevention is certainly better than cure, through orthodontics that deals with the causes and not with the symptom destined for a certain recurrence (teeth that return crooked after years of treatment only with mechanical and non-functional appliances).

The treatment start times must be simple and preventive in an ideal age of growth (even from 3 years) and to subsequently simplify orthodontic treatment in permanent dentition with devices suitable for alignment on adequate skeletal and neuromuscular structures.

With the AMCOP Bio Activators it is possible a preventive rehabilitation orthodontic treatment with simple non-invasive atraumatic tools that require minimal collaboration from especially young patients with substantially limited times by performing some exercises for just over an hour during the day and held all the night.
It is therefore possible to consider the use of the Bio Activator as a truly invisible device as it is not used during school hours, in free time or in working hours for adults.
Ultimately it is possible, through a true rehabilitation treatment of a correct balance of the craniofacial occlusal system, to limit or at least reduce the classic relapses at the end of the treatment; more over the correct repositioning of the jaws obtained through the use of the AMCOP Bio Activator will allow the recovery of certain postural problems that have as their main cause specific craniofacial discrepancies.




Headache can have many causes, and it is often difficult to identify the cause.
The known causes are manifold; in principle they can be:

  • of a physical nature, such as an incorrect posture maintained for a long time
  • stress and anxious symptoms of a psychological nature
  • familial or genetic predisposition
  • malocclusion problems
  • other pathologies that can lead to secondary type headaches

The AMCOP Bio Activator is a neuromuscular rehabilitation device which, through the specifically plastic effect of the materials that characterizes it, is able to release the neuromuscular system during the night and relieve the symptoms of a tension-type headache.



In recent years the orthodontic interest in posture disorders from the observation of certain malocclusions that are accompanied by problems concerning the vertebral column and therefore the cranio-vertebral / craniosacral system is widely discussed.


The evaluation of the relationships between malocclusion and postural imbalances is in seeking the cause among the concomitant facts and in establishing a cause and effect relationship.

It is possible that an improvement in the cranio-mandibular skeletal system and a correct function of the tongue lead to an improvement in occlusion; the correction of a malocclusion obtained through a correct function can be associated with an improvement in posture with specific physiotherapeutic and osteopathic treatments.
It must be taken into account that the organs involved are not only contiguous, but interact, creating a complex game of balances considering all the parts of a system through a multidisciplinary approach.
Taking into account certain craniofacial morpho-functional correspondences and similar characteristics of the vertebral system can certainly prove useful to the work of the orthodontist for the purpose of a correct diagnosis and the most suitable therapy.
It is therefore important to establish early if certain flawed habits are accompanied by dento-cranio-mandibular dysmorphism. It is well known that the activity of the column, in general, is not part of the cultural background of the orthodontist, therefore we try to draw the attention of the above-mentioned problems to operators inclined to concisely frame the same connected to orthodontics.

AMCOP Bio Activators are elastodontic devices of a specifically functional and orthopedic character, capable of improving malocclusion problems, which are accompanied by craniofacial and therefore postural dysmorphisms.


It is a syndrome that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are on the two sides of the face (right and left) in correspondence with the ears and represent the connection between the maxilla (upper) and mandible (lower).

dolore articolare

136 muscles are connected to the mandible; these muscles with the temporomandibular joints condition the alignment of the teeth involving the occipital crest, the neck, the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle, and therefore the balance of the whole body.

The TMJ articulates with the two symmetrical temporal bones and it is important that there is a perfect balance of all those forces and muscles that act on them. The causes that can lead to jaw pain that can also involve the facial muscles are different and a targeted diagnosis is important as soon as possible so that these conditions can be intercepted through an early and complete rehabilitation to join a true healing of the individual.

The main ones are:

  • trauma to the head, face and jaw
  • jaw dislocations
  • trauma from whiplash
  • atypical swallowing (abnormal tongue posture)
  • dysfunction of the muscles of the face, head and neck
  • compression of the joint
  • biting your nails
  • frequent use in chewing gum
  • anxiety disorder and / or psychic pathologies (uncomfortable psychological emotional conditions)
  • arthritis-arthrosis
Most of the time it is possible to find joint decompensation of a dental nature which have as their cause:
  • cranial lesion problems
  • specific malocclusions (anomalous closure of teeth mating)
  • lack of dental elements in the arch
  • fillings or prostheses not performed correctly
  • nocturnal grinding (bruxism)
  • deviation of the mouth opening
  • loss of vertical dimension of the mouth
It is important for the specialist to identify the correct syndrome through a clinical examination to diagnose the cause of the decompensation.

The specific symptoms concerning joint problems are:
  • jaw joint noises such as clicking, clicking, or cracking
  • limitation of mouth opening
  • toothache
  • headache
  • pains in the temples
  • ear pain
  • neck pain
  • facial and jaw pain
  • vertigo / dizziness
  • tinnitus (whistling and / or buzzing)
  • feeling of wadding
  • difficulty chewing
  • eyestrain

These symptoms are present when the chewing muscles do not work synergistically due to a lack of joint-mandibular balance.
The teeth in opening and closing must close and touch in balance, if this does not happen there could be alterations in the muscles of the jaw, head, neck and shoulders, generating an annoying tension that can be the cause of a temporal-mandibular dysfunction.
Joint-mandibular disorders, therefore, usually result from a degeneration, a dysfunction or inflammation of the tissues within the TMJ.

If decompensation has as its cause dental problems accompanied by other factors from a psychological point of view (anxiety and stress), it is possible to use the AMCOP Bio Activator as an alternative to the classic hard resin bytes in association with targeted physiotherapy and osteopathic treatments, to rehabilitate the functioning of all the apparatuses that contribute to a correct opening and closing of the mouth.

Difference between hard resin byte and elastodontic activator

There is a considerable difference between a classic byte made with hard material and an elastodontic device such as the AMCOP Bio Activator.
A classic (rigid) byte is a static, passive device that generally carries out an action of a symptomatic nature only, and therefore not resolving the joint decompensation and all the problems that derive from it.
It intercepts the deflecting contacts, but at the same time occupies a free space that disturbs an energy saving mechanism, and also causes a block of the M.R.P. (primary respiratory movement) cranial.
These devices crystallize the individual teeth as a real cast that prevents their movement and forces a system that has its own dynamic function into a static condition.
The Amcop Bio Activator is a rehabilitation device that performs an active, dynamic, and rehabilitative action for temporomandibular joints and therefore suitable for improving the symptomatic problems described.

The Amcop Bio Activator can be considered an active byte as it is able to modify the occlusion, and therefore the movement of the teeth through the plastic effect of the used materials, thanks to pre-arranged monobloc guides, characterized by the absence of parts in resin, hooks and more. It is therefore indicated for the remodeling of the alveolar ridges in a correct relationship of the dental arches, through a specifically orthopedic effect, thus restoring a correct verticentric occlusion accompanied by an optimal reconditioning of the neuromuscular, skeletal and articular system (TMJ), consolidating the obtained result over time.


There are 5 cervical vertebrae and they are the first vertebrae of the spinal column.
For neck pain we want to define pain in the back of the neck that can radiate to the shoulders: it is a very widespread musculoskeletal disorder; the affected structures that are located in the region of the first vertebrae of the spine are the muscles, ligaments of the intervertebral discs and the posterior joints that concern trauma such as whiplash, inadequate effort, incorrect posture or dysfunctional problems of the mouth and of the occlusion.
Stress can also cause muscle contraction and cause micro-injuries.


A dysfunctional tongue associated with certain craniofacial dysmorphisms can be the cause of a decompensation of the cervical spine.

The causes of neck pain that specifically concern dental problems refer to particular craniofacial dysmorphisms accompanied by dysfunctional changes in the mouth regarding a dysfunctional tongue (atypical swallowing) which can, in the long term, cause alterations of the cervical structure with the appearance of more or less important pain, sometimes even of a disabling nature.

Certain conditions that concern specific functional problems of the mouth can be the cause of alterations in the normal lordosis of the spine in hyperlordosis (alteration of the physiological curve of the spine), or to straightening of the spine itself or even, in some cases, to inverse curves that can cause in the long term, the more or less marked degeneration of one or more intervertebral discs with the appearance of cervical hernias.

    The symptoms that can appear are:
  • pain in the neck
  • shoulder pains
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • hum
In the dental field, a correct occlusion in a cranial mandibular context accompanied by a correct occlusion, can determine a physiological hinge axis which is nothing more than the summary of the posture.
An adequate investigative investigation is therefore essential to search for the root cause of neck pain.

The AMCOP Bio activator is indicated when there are atypical swallowing problems, cranio-mandibular imbalances and postural problems.


Night snoring is a particular acoustic phenomenon characterized by a noise, of variable intensity, generated along the respiratory tract by mobile and vibrating structures caused by the obstruction of the airways.


It can have as a cause a reduced vertical dimension of the mouth in association with a retruded mandible and a tongue with a low posture and also retruded in complete opposition with the posterior wall of the pharynx which prevents the passage of air from the oral and nasal cavity. If the obstruction is complete, the passage of air is temporarily interrupted and apnoea occur.

Sleep apnoea can be a health problem, it can cause:

  • restless sleep
  • drowsiness
  • headache
  • poor concentration
  • easy irritability
  • feeling of suffocation
  • cough
  • inspiratory gasps
  • awakening in the morning with a sense of fatigue
  • feeling that you have not slept enough
  • tachycardia
  • obesity
In the long term, it can also lead to major health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.

In order for an ideal nasal breathing pattern to be established, the presence of an adequate craniomandibular conformation is necessary, obtainable through the use of the Elasto Osas device which allows mandibular advancement in association with a correct posture of the tongue and vertical dimension of the mouth, all for the recovery of better breathing.


The most frequent causes of craniomandibular dysfunctions that determine bruxism concern the clenching of the teeth and stress..
Bruxism is a physiological function of defense which, continuing constantly and for long periods, causes wear of the teeth with loss of the vertical dimension which can cause imbalances in the temporomandibular joints (TMJ).


Grinding your teeth while you sleep is also a way to release tension, frustration and fear in your sleep.

Bruxismo is typical of hypercontrolled and intimately repressed people, who accumulate a certain aggression and vent with an unconscious gesture of self-harm by consuming the dental enamel, moreover bruxism determines a continuous contraction of the masseter and temporal muscles increasing the probability of symptoms such as:

  • feeling of a circle in the head (sometimes heavy) which can radiate in the neck and shoulders
  • feeling of oppression
  • feeling tired
  • heaviness and tension
  • dizziness and nausea
  • cervic brachialgia
  • migraine
  • high back pain
  • facial pain
  • dental pain accompanied by dental hypersensitivity
  • concentration difficulty
  • annoyance of noises
  • sleep disorders

The action of the AMCOP Bio Activator through the plastic effect of the used materials is comparable to that of a stress ball placed in the mouth and gently nibbled between the teeth; it is indicated for both small patients and adult subjects.


Tinnitus is the perception of a noise without stimulation of the auditory system, it can be felt even in one ear only, and sometimes it is perceived as coming from inside the skull.


The noises can be continuous or intermittent, sometimes synchronized with heartbeats and associated with sharp pains, they can be perceived as whistles or even in complex form as the ringing of bells (tinnitus or ear ringing).

Tinnitus often implies a gnathological / orthopedic pathogenesis, so the diagnosis and treatment must be formulated in a multidisciplinary setting. Also in these cases the use of the AMCOP Bio Activator associated with other therapy methods may be indicated, especially if occlusal anomalies are evident.


Swallowing can be considered the primordial function par excellence.


Thesucking reflex is a residue of the buccal pump, which triggers a deglutizione movement that plays an important role in the child's postural balance through the opening of the Eustachian tube and balances the pressures of the middle ear and the inner ear.


An abnormal swallowing associated with other bad habits, such as thumb sucking, will be the cause of a dysmorphosis of the dental arches.

From birth, the baby swallows by making a reflex contraction of the lips and the tongue relies on them. To obtain a correct and physiological swallowing in the adult phase, the tongue must stretch out over the entire palate and must, with its tip, stimulate the retroincisive papillae, a very reflexogenic receptor area, so that the lips no longer need to contract.
This happens once all the deciduous teeth have appeared. The child must acquire a correct swallowing at the age of three, otherwise it will be possible to imagine a tongue that is poorly positioned on the teeth with a consequent deficit of bone stimulation and consequent failure of the upper jaw to develop on a very malleable growing bone.

The AMCOP Bio Activator in association with specific exercises can be of great help in improving correct swallowing, through functional tongue education, as well as eliminating certain spoiled habits of the child.



It would be enough to observe that most people who breathe with the mouth have more or less severe dysmorphosis of the mouth. We can therefore consider that oral breathing is the cause of insufficient growth of the palate with consequent crowding of the teeth and can also be the cause of deformations and an incorrect development of the face, more or less important.


Oral breathing is also the cause of insufficient palate growth and consequent crowding of the teeth.

Nasal breathing is one of the main vital functions of our life, as it is necessary to bring oxygen to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide. We breathe about 18,000 times a day. At birth, the maxillary sinuses are very small. It is considered that with each nasal breath the inhaled air pneumatizes them and makes them grow. It must be taken into account that the underlying part of the maxilla corresponds to the ceiling of the palate. If this is sufficiently stimulated, it will develop sufficiently to create the necessary space for the eruption of permanent teeth up to the age of 12, that is, until the end of skeletal and dental growth.

Correct nasal breathing, obtained with the use of the AMCOP Bio Activator in oral respirators, allows better skeletal and dental growth by improving brain oxygenation.



The presence of pathological swallowing in association with muscle imbalance and oral respiration must be seriously considered during orthodontic treatment. If the tongue assumes a different posture both in the resting position (not respecting the spot) and during the act of swallowing, damage to the osteodentary system may appear and negatively affect the functioning of other organs and systems.

deglutizione atipica

A dysfunctional tongue associated with oral breathing can generate various malocclusion problems.

Incorrect swallowing in orthodontics can be considered the main cause of dental malocclusion, which can cause anterior open bites, unilateral and bilateral open bites, mono and bilateral cross bites, total open bites with contacts only on the last molars, anterior reverse bites, reverse bites total, third functional classes, increased over jet, increased over byte, diastema between teeth and covered bites.
Atypical swallowing associated with muscle imbalance can give rise to some forms of periodontal disease which, even if in the presence of good dental hygiene, can cause situations such as gingival recessions, bone resorption and dental spreading in some patients.

A dysfunctional tongue associated with oral breathing can generate a series of disorders, such as: otorhinolaryngoiatric problems, hypertrophy of the adenoids and tonsils, rhinitis, allergies and even the paranasal sinuses can be affected by alterations in the swallowing mechanism as the stagnation of mucus as a cause of poor nasal breathing can cause reactive sinusitis due to stagnation.
Allergic situations and respiratory diseases may also occur which prevent correct nasal ventilation and which are characterized by oral breathing; this may be due to the narrowed maxilla due to an atypical swallowing due to lack of stimulation of the tongue on the palate, which reduces both the width of the nasal cavities and the oral space to contain the tongue itself, which is forced during the act of swallowing to retroposition and push back the tonsils making them obstructive.
While the pressure changes caused by incorrect swallowing can give rise to pathologies affecting the ear such as catarrhal and purulent otitis, or cause hearing loss, tinnitus, tinnitus and dizziness and sometimes even perforations of the eardrum.
Furthermore, the imbalance of the oral and facial muscles in association with faulty swallowing can cause a muscular imbalance of ocular motility with the appearance of phorias, stabilisms, ocular fatigue which often causes headache and some forms of myopia.
Poor swallowing in association with oral breathing can cause aerophagia problems due to the compression of air in the digestive system, so children are listless, get tired easily, eat little, have a swollen stomach and emit a lot of air.
On the other hand, some patients feel when swallowing an obstruction in the throat that prevents swallowing food, with a feeling of suffocation that is called a hysterical bolus and that is hardly associated with abnormal swallowing, but which is often attributed to the patient's emotional stress resulting in administration of drugs such as calming the nervous system that cause a further slowing of the peristalsic movement.
While oral breathing can cause behavioral problems that are easily found in children with situations such as: fatigue, poor ability to concentrate and attention up to manifesting hyperactivity or on the contrary apathy, all this would occur due to lack of cerebral oxygenation and lack of stimulation of the palatine receptors.
Poor swallowing can also cause a muscular imbalance and consequent occlusal and gnathological problems (temporomandibular joint) which can cause muscular-tension headaches and cause problems in the structure of the neck and back, which will cause painful symptoms at the level of the spine with an altered attitude of posture.

Infant swallowing associated with oral breathing is characterized by:
● Dark circles ● Narrow nostrils ● Contracted cheekbones

Extract from "Physiology and Pathology of Swallowing" - Dr. Antonio Ferrante

The use of the AMCOP Bio Activator in association with specific exercises can be of great help in the treatment of the various disorders listed by improving correct swallowing with the relaxation of facial muscles and nasal breathing.

A.M.C.O.P. Bio Activators are protected by an international patent (PATENT PENDING GRANTED).
Our company does not sell directly to private individuals.
A.M.C.O.P. Bio Activators are distributed exclusively by Micerium S.p.A.